Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Big 6-0!

One of the best parts of our trip to California was getting to spend the day with Mom on her birthday.  Like I said in my last post, we didn't do much as we were not feeling well, but I really enjoyed spending time with her (in fact, first thing that morning we made a trip to Walgreens for Jackson's antibiotics).  I'm not sure she will ever realize how much she means to me and how I aspire to be a great Mom like her. 

I love you Mom.  Thank you for ALL you do for us (and a HUGE thank you for watching Jackson the afternoon I went outlet mall shopping - you don't know how much that meant to me).

The gang getting ready for Mom's birthday dinner
 Birthday girl - yep I made her wear the hat!
 The gals minus Aunt Sally
 Post dinner

I also forgot to write about how wonderful it was to see my Aunt Launie, Cousin Trisha and her husband Dave, Aunt Sally and Uncle Ted.  It is rare that I get to see my extended family so it was quite a treat!



Our long awaited trip to go see Grandma and Grandpa Terry finally arrived. The only problem... after two months of being healthy, we were all battling a nasty cold/flu bug.  Jackson probably had the worst of it - fever, cough and running nose.  So, Wednesday morning came and I doped him up on Ibuprofen and we headed for the airport.  BJ came to wish us off and help me deal with a crazy two year old at the airport.  It was a long day but we made it!  The trip home was probably just as stressful and Jackson was feeling better.  I decided that no matter what, it is just a huge challenge to travel with a two year old boy! 

This picture was taken when G&G picked us up - you can see how well Jackson feels :(

All considered, we had a great trip and Jackson really enjoyed seeing Grandma and Grandpa Terry.  I just wish we would have felt better so we would have been more fun for them!  :)   We were still able to do many fun things even feeling a little under the weather.  The weather wasn't very warm but we didn't mind (sometimes I think warm weather works against me with Jackson).  There was even a huge rain storm which is unusual for down there.  I took many pictures - here are a few of the fun things we did.

Went for golf cart rides - Jackson's favorite part of the trip!

 Played on the toys

 Played with Grandpa's exercise ball
 Ate Cheetos for the first time
 Rode the train at the mall with Grandma
 Went to the Living Desert and saw animals

 Jackson's favorite (and mine too)

 Played with bubbles

Thanks Mom and Dad for a great trip!  We can't wait to see you more when you return home. Love you!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reason To Celebrate

I realized this morning that I have another picture on my other camera that is definitely worth posting.  So while Jackson plays Play-doh, I'm sneaking in a quick blog.  This last Saturday, we took my in-laws out to dinner to celebrate the one year anniversary of my mother-in-law quitting smoking and recovering from her heart problem last February.  We are so proud of you and are thankful everyday that you are ok.  Love you Nana!

It's not the greatest picture as you can't see my father-in-law and Jackson, well he's being Jackson

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Been A While

I realize I've been kind of MIA lately as far as blogging.  It's been a long two weeks and there have just been too many other things to do.  Like sleep for one thing... every member of our family has been battling a horrible cold at some point in time this last week.  In fact, I'm at home today with Jackson because he is running a low grade temp (poor guy is missing his V-day party).  So last week, when we put Jackson to bed at 7:30, we went to bed at 7:30.  That doesn't leave much time to do anything else at night. :)

So as far as what have we been up to... let's see, I'll start with BJ.  He has been working his butt off.  He worked 12s all of last week which means his days started at 3am.  Yuck.  I could see it wearing him down and then add the before mentioned cold on top of it and he was exhausted.  He also worked Saturday. :(  He told me yesterday, he's hoping to be caught up and back to semi-normal hours by the time Jackson and I are back from California. Speaking of California, Jackson and I leave in two days!  I'm a little nervous as I'm home with him today with a fever.  I really hope he can rebound quickly and that some love from Mama will go a long way in helping him kick this bad cold. I myself could use a day of not doing anything but that's not really on the agenda.  Not only are Mondays my busiest days at work, I'm also filling in for a co-worker who is out today and tomorrow.  So, I will be working from home today and might even head in to the office when BJ gets off later.  Happy Valentine's Day to us!  Here are some pics from the last few weeks.

Pretending like he knows what he is doing 
 self portrait
 This picture just cracks me up!