Monday, November 28, 2011

A Not So Tradtional Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year... well, it was different.  BJ left for his hunting trip the Sunday prior, so I once again started my journey of single mommyhood.  And as with every year, Jackson got extremely sick (we just can't seem to break that tradition).  He started coming down with a horrible cough Tuesday night and by Wednesday night, we were paying a visit to the ER with croup.  I do have to say I didn't freak out as bad as I probably should have as this is the second time he's had it.  And he was SUCH a trooper at the ER.  He followed everything the doctor/nurses asked him to do and just hung out on the bed the two hours we were there.

Then Thanksgiving rolled around and BJ decided not to make the trip home. :(  I probably should have been more vocal about the impact this would have on me emotionally but when asked, I left it up to him.  He obviously doesn't see Thanksgiving as a special holiday like I do.  So Jackson and I still headed over to my mother-in-laws to eat (well we barely made it as Jackson napped late) and hung out for a little while.  It just wasn't the same without BJ home.  And Jackson felt so crappy all he wanted to do was go back home.  So needless to say, not the most memorable Thanksgiving that's for sure.

Since Thanksgiving day, Jackson has battled this darn virus hard.  Just when I thought he might be getting better, he woke up with a temp yesterday.  So I was at home with him today even though he has no temp and is back to his crazy self.  This mama is about ready to go stir crazy.  It's been a long six days at home by myself with a sick kid that on some nights, barely slept.  I'm READY for BJ to be home.

Some of our indoor activites...

Getting out ALL of our cars and lining them up
and coloring

Monday, November 21, 2011

It is...?!

Those two words were all I could utter as the ultrasound tech nonchalantly said "it looks like a girl."  We had been in the ultrasound room for over an hour and she had taken a zillion pics so I kind of thought she would at least give us a warning before blurting out the gender.  I had convinced myself this whole pregnancy that I was having a boy.  Even when every single moment has been different, I still told myself I was destined to have sons.  I just think I wanted a daughter so badly that I did not want to set myself up for disappointment. So after the tech said girl, I blurted out "it is?" and when she answered yes (and explained why... the three lines, etc) I looked at BJ.  I will never forget the look on his face.  Unlike me, he was vocal about wanting a daughter and had told me all along this was a girl.  After seeing the look on his face, I burst into tears.  I mean, not just tears streaming down my face but crying, borderline sobbing.  I think I scared the tech as she seemed uncomfortable and said she hoped I was happy and not sad.  BJ had to tell her they were happy tears as I could barely mutter the words.

So a couple minutes later, I got it together and was able to manage through the rest of the ultrasound without sobbing.  The tech was able to get all the pictures she wanted other than the spine.  Her spine was facing mine so it was hard for her to get the angle she wanted (even after jabbing the thingy into my stomach HARD).  So we might have to have a follow up ultrasound which is fine by me as I would love for them to tell me once again that it is a girl. I just still feel like I'm a little shocked as it hasn't set in all the way. 

So needless to say, we are both beyond excited to be having a daughter and were so happy to tell Jackson as he has told us many times he wants a sister.  Yay for pink!  

When I showed up to work today, a co-worker had put this cute pink blanket on my chair.  What a great surprise... I have the best co-workers.
 And, I couldn't help myself.  I had to go shopping for some pink. :)

Still a Pup

Oh how I love it when Hunter acts like a pup again.  She is only six (which I guess is 42 in dog years) but she rarely plays with her toys anymore.  They mostly serve as throwing objects for Jackson.  :)  The last couple of weeks though her inner puppy has come out.  And what is cute is that she wants to play when BJ and Jackson are on the floor wrestling, playing, etc.  BJ and I just smile when we watch her as it takes us back to when she was our baby. :) 

 Jackson's face cracks me up in this one
 Loving the fact that she wants to play

Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 on 10 Thanksgiving Edition

This month's 10 on 10 has a new spin... it is 10 pictures of 10 things I am thankful for.  A little overwhelming as I feel so thankful for so much in my life.  And trying to say it with pictures is sometimes challenging.  For example, first and foremost, I am thankful for my health (and the health of my family).  So many times this year, I have been reminded how quickly things can change and if you don't have your health, you don't have anything.  I couldn't decide how to portray that with a picture but I wanted to make sure to include it because it is at the top of my list.  Some other things that I am thankful for include...

1) My hot shower this morning.  Sometimes I take for granted simple luxuries like a hot shower and I need a reminder.  Some are not as fortunate.
2) My little monster.  The biggest blessing in our lives.  I never could have imagined how amazing it would be to be a parent.
3) My hubby who I fell in love with when I was 15.  Not only is he an amazing husband and friend but an awesome Dad.  I couldn't ask for anything more.
4) The roof over our heads.  The first and only house we have lived in as a family and where we are making memories.  I feel so fortunate that we were in the market to buy a house when we were.
5) Deanne or Ne-Ne (according to Jackson).  Her home is Jackson's home away from home.  I feel like we won the lotto the day we met her.  She is truly a blessing and I couldn't think of anyone better as a caregiver for Jackson (and soon to be our baby).
6) My job.  Yes, it has its ups and downs as any job does but overall it is a great place to work.  And I have amazing girlfriends at work that keep every day entertaining. :)
7) Baby #2.  I can't even explain in words how thankful I am to be carrying another child.  I had forgotten how special it is to feel that little life moving inside my belly.
8) A warm drink on a cold day.  Those who know me well know that I am always cold.  So I am thankful for a delicious coffee to warm me from the inside out (even if it is decaf).
9) Hunter aka the Best Worst Dog Ever.  She can be such a pain at times but overall she is a blessing for our family.  She is so great with Jackson and he loves his "sister."
10) Memories. Not only in our family pictures we took recently (thanks again Mary), but in our blog as well.  I love the fact that someday Jackson can look back and remember all the experiences we had.  I can't wait to get our blog printed at the end of this year.  And I just realized, our blog just turned one!

I easily could have gone on and on with many more things I am thankful for. Our parents, living in this beautiful valley, etc, etc.  This was my favorite 10 on 10 so far because it made me slow down a bit and reflect on life.  I have so much to be thankful for and I need to remember that when things are sometimes challenging.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I think it's about time I post about Halloween... after all, it's almost been a week.  Time just seems to get away from me these days. 

We had a blast Halloween night with Jackson trick-or-treating.  Grandma & Grandpa Terry came down to join us which Jackson thought was great because he made Grandpa carry his pail in between every house we went to. :)  It was a cold night so I was thankful Jackson's costume allowed him to have three layers on underneath AND he actually wore his hat all night.  He was so proud to be Thomas the Train and was really funny to watch.  After every house he was very vocal telling us it's Halloween and that he was wearing a costume (and some other stuff we couldn't understand).  I was amazed again this year at how outgoing he was at every house.  I think he would have trick-or-treated all night if we would have let him.

Thomas :)
 Heading out to trick-or-treat our neighborhood
Off to Nana & Papa's neighborhood
Digging his glow stick
Probably my favorite part of his costume

Friday, November 4, 2011

Oh My Sweet Boy...

I was on my way home today after picking up Jackson and we had a conversation I have to blog.  He is such a crazy, rough boy that when these soft moments come out, they really melt my heart.  Our conversation went something like this:

Jackson: Hunter girl is at home
Me: Yep, Hunter girl is waiting at home for us
Jackson: Hunter girl missed me today
Me: I'm sure she did buddy
Jackson: Mama, I missed you today
Me: Oh, thanks buddy
Jackson: That's fine Mama, that's fine (one of his favorite sayings) :)
Me: I missed you today
Jackson: Thanks Mama, that's nice

His little sweet voice just makes me happy and I love that he has a sweet spot.  I hope it never goes away.

 That's that look he gave me after telling me "stop taking my picture, take pictures of Hunter." So sister gets some love on the blog (and so much for my sweet boy). :)