Sigh... it's been a long couple of weeks. It all started the day before Labor Day weekend when BJ had his "we're done having kids" procedure. It went well... or so we thought. He had an uncommon complication which led to a lot of down time for him and a lot of mommy only time for our kiddos. Then Jackson was so kind to give Audri and I his nasty cold last weekend. We are still trying to recover, especially baby girl. Poor thing does not know what to think of the stuffy/snotty nose and let me tell you, it has totally thrown her whole schedule for a loop. Add in horrible wildfire smoke on top of it and we have a lot of hacking going on at our house. So... we're getting by day by day.
Here is a picture dump from the last couple weeks:
Labor Day weekend, I took the kids up to Chelan to visit G&G Terry and Aunt Stacey and Randy. I just love the view from my parents house.
He loves his sister (most of the time). :)
The Wenatchee Fire Complex has made for quite the show from our house. There were a couple of nights where BJ and I would watch the flames in awe.
Although the fire is cool to watch, the smell of smoke is getting exhausting. I hate the constant smell and I especially hate thinking of my kiddos lungs getting polluted with this nasty crap. This is a picture from a window at work last Friday. Yuck!
Unfortunately, the air inside of work is not much better than outside. I actually wore this mask for a while at work today until I realized it was too hard to eat or drink with it on. For those of you who know me, I can't go more than a couple of hours without eating or drinking. :)
Because of all the smoke, we decided to get out of town last Saturday morning. Since we were missing the end of the year camping trip due to illness, we decided going up for the day would be ok.
A picture from the way up... we are starting to see blue skies again!
The boys got to play ball and sister and I hung out.
Apparently all the fresh air wore him out. It was so nice to take a deep breath!
Hopefully we will get a reprieve from the smoke soon. All of our lungs could really use it.