I've had nothing but issues with Blogger lately... error messages, a missing picture toolbar, inability to upload pictures, the list goes on and on. Just tonight, I wanted to upload some cell pics from 2012 and it won't let me do it. So I'm done. I'm moving on!
You can find our new blog here. Please join me there if you want to continue to follow the adventures of our family!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Monday, December 31, 2012
Christmas 2012
We had such a blessed Christmas this year with our families. As with past years, we were able to spend time with both of our families on Christmas day which I feel extremely fortunate for. And the kids had a great time through all the hustle and bustle and we were even able to maintain nap time (thank goodness for that)!
First things first... Santa came! And since our tree was in a different room this year, Jackson could see Santa came from upstairs. LOTS of excitement.
Sis got a couple of new sippy cups in her stocking. :) So functional Santa!
The monkeys... oh how I love these two. Christmas jammie picture.
After we opened presents at home, we went down to Nana & Papa's to celebrate Christmas with them. I only have a couple pictures of Audri... Jackson was a little too crazy and would not stay still long enough for pics.
Then we came back up to our house to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa Terry who drove down to see us. Thanks again Mom and Dad for coming to us. It made our day so much easier!

First things first... Santa came! And since our tree was in a different room this year, Jackson could see Santa came from upstairs. LOTS of excitement.
Santa brought Jackson his very own Dyson vacuum. To say he loves it is a bit of an understatement. It's been going non-stop since that day.
Sis got a couple of new sippy cups in her stocking. :) So functional Santa!
The monkeys... oh how I love these two. Christmas jammie picture.
After we opened presents at home, we went down to Nana & Papa's to celebrate Christmas with them. I only have a couple pictures of Audri... Jackson was a little too crazy and would not stay still long enough for pics.
Then we came back up to our house to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa Terry who drove down to see us. Thanks again Mom and Dad for coming to us. It made our day so much easier!
Post nap time, we went down to Nana & Papa's again to eat Christmas dinner. And I always try to make sure we have at least one family pic every Christmas so here is this year's pic. It is going in the 2012 Christmas ornament I bought. Another year almost in the books! Bring on 2013!

Sunday, December 30, 2012
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve morning, we woke up to this. Such a beautiful day.... I love blue skies with white snow.
And you might be thinking I messed up the order of the photos but no, I almost had a total mom fail. We put Jackson to bed and then came downstairs. A couple minutes later I realized we didn't put milk and cookies out for Santa. So, I got Jacks out of bed and had him come downstairs. Here he is putting them out. He told me it's a good thing we remembered. Santa would have been mad.
We hung out at the house in the morning and during lunch Jackson told me his right ear hurt. I shrugged it off thinking he was just exaggerating and continued with lunch. But when BJ put him down for his nap 1/2 hour later, he had tears. So we got him up, got him dressed (yes, he was still in his jammies) and called the pediatrician. Closed at noon. Of course, the one day we need the doc, they took off at noon. And the East Wenatchee walk-in also closed at noon which is our backup. So I called the Wenatchee walk-in, up to a 2 hour wait. Awesome... thank goodness BJ pulled through with a great idea. There is a small walk-in at the bottom of our street not affiliated with the clinic (Columbia Valley Community Health) that is never busy. So I packed up Jacks and we headed down there. Twenty minutes later, we were in and out. Double ear infection for Jacksie. His first ever. I'm just glad it happened Christmas Eve and not Christmas day. The ER would NOT have been fun!
Later in the afternoon, we let the kids open two presents. Their Christmas jammies and their annual ornament I get them. Jackson got a Curious George and Audri got a Baby's First Christmas rocking horse. A fun tradition that I plan on continuing until they are old.
Then we changed them into their nice clothes because it was time to go to Nana and Papa's for their Christmas Eve gathering.
Mid-evening, Santa came bearing gifts. Jackson was so patient... his was at the very bottom of the bag.
When we got home, we let Jackson open one more gift. He loves the grinch that stole Christmas so we got him the book and a stuff Grinch.
And you might be thinking I messed up the order of the photos but no, I almost had a total mom fail. We put Jackson to bed and then came downstairs. A couple minutes later I realized we didn't put milk and cookies out for Santa. So, I got Jacks out of bed and had him come downstairs. Here he is putting them out. He told me it's a good thing we remembered. Santa would have been mad.
Friday, December 28, 2012
An Early Christmas
The Saturday before Christmas, Aunt Stacey and (soon to be) Uncle Randy made the trip over for an early Christmas celebration. And since Grandma and Grandpa Terry had flown in the afternoon before, we were able to have my whole family down for the day to celebrate Christmas a little early. We hung out, I cooked a family dinner and then we exchanged gifts. Jackson is pretty much obsessed with the gift they got him (a Russell Wilson jersey) and was so proud to wear it on gameday. And since they kicked the crap out of San Fran, maybe it is good luck! We will have him wear it from here on out just in case.
I'm so glad we had a day to hang out with all my immediate family members. It was our first Christmas where we weren't all together so it made our early Christmas really special. Thanks for making the trip over Aunt Stacey. We love you!
I'm so glad we had a day to hang out with all my immediate family members. It was our first Christmas where we weren't all together so it made our early Christmas really special. Thanks for making the trip over Aunt Stacey. We love you!
Homemade lasagna for dinner
Audri's first present EVER!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
December Fun
Thought I'd get a quick post in while the kids are napping and before I tackle cleaning the house some more. The day after Christmas always makes me want to have a panic attack so I'm trying to keep my OCD under control! December has seriously been a blur (or maybe my whole life is) and jam packed with lots of memories and fun. The week before Christmas we did our second annual Christmas light tour with Jackson (Audri stayed with Nana & Papa). Same as last year.... special dinner at McDonald's and then we drove around and looked at the houses.
Dinner first...
And then we're off
This was our favorite house again this year. They do such a great job... it must take forever to assemble!
And no December would be complete without snow. So happy it snowed before Christmas.
Dad's helper
Snowball fight!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Eight Months
Miss Audri... another month has flown by. For some reason the jump from seven to eight months seemed huge. Maybe it's because you are growing like a weed or it could be because you are doing so many new things. I'm not sure. All I do know is that I love you so much baby girl and even though this last month has been full of sickness, you have been such a trooper. Your smile has remained through the fevers, nose wiping and coughing. And for the most part your appetite has remained too. I've been amazed at how much you'll eat these days and you're doing great with your sippy cup.
You love to sit and play with your toys especially anything that makes noise. Your brother is still your favorite and he makes you laugh everyday. Pulling off your socks (or shoes) provides you a great source of enjoyment and you know you're not supposed to do it (which is evidenced by the big grin you give me). When you get excited you twirl both your ankles at once and it is fast. It amazes me because I sure as heck can't do it and especially not as fast as you can.
Your latest trick is clapping and you'll clap on cue or when you watch your brother and Dad play. Drooling is still a big issue for you as your two top front teeth have poked through. I can't wait to see what you look like when they fully come in. And my favorite first... your first "word." So proud to say it is ma-ma. Yep, you took after your brother and said ma-ma first. :) You'll also say ba-ba occasionally. Your Dad is really working on da-da with you. We'll see how long that takes.
Happy eight months to you little miss. We so enjoy every single day with you.
You love to sit and play with your toys especially anything that makes noise. Your brother is still your favorite and he makes you laugh everyday. Pulling off your socks (or shoes) provides you a great source of enjoyment and you know you're not supposed to do it (which is evidenced by the big grin you give me). When you get excited you twirl both your ankles at once and it is fast. It amazes me because I sure as heck can't do it and especially not as fast as you can.
Your latest trick is clapping and you'll clap on cue or when you watch your brother and Dad play. Drooling is still a big issue for you as your two top front teeth have poked through. I can't wait to see what you look like when they fully come in. And my favorite first... your first "word." So proud to say it is ma-ma. Yep, you took after your brother and said ma-ma first. :) You'll also say ba-ba occasionally. Your Dad is really working on da-da with you. We'll see how long that takes.
Happy eight months to you little miss. We so enjoy every single day with you.
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