Miss Audri... another month has flown by. For some reason the jump from seven to eight months seemed huge. Maybe it's because you are growing like a weed or it could be because you are doing so many new things. I'm not sure. All I do know is that I love you so much baby girl and even though this last month has been full of sickness, you have been such a trooper. Your smile has remained through the fevers, nose wiping and coughing. And for the most part your appetite has remained too. I've been amazed at how much you'll eat these days and you're doing great with your sippy cup.
You love to sit and play with your toys especially anything that makes noise. Your brother is still your favorite and he makes you laugh everyday. Pulling off your socks (or shoes) provides you a great source of enjoyment and you know you're not supposed to do it (which is evidenced by the big grin you give me). When you get excited you twirl both your ankles at once and it is fast. It amazes me because I sure as heck can't do it and especially not as fast as you can.
Your latest trick is clapping and you'll clap on cue or when you watch your brother and Dad play. Drooling is still a big issue for you as your two top front teeth have poked through. I can't wait to see what you look like when they fully come in. And my favorite first... your first "word." So proud to say it is ma-ma. Yep, you took after your brother and said ma-ma first. :) You'll also say ba-ba occasionally. Your Dad is really working on da-da with you. We'll see how long that takes.
Happy eight months to you little miss. We so enjoy every single day with you.
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