Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Cheer

It was alive and well this year at the Mitchell/Terry households! We had so much fun this holiday season thanks to our families and of course Jackson. It was so wonderful to see Christmas through his eyes this year, well with the exception of our Santa visit (he was not a big fan). :)

We headed over to BJ's parents for Christmas eve and met up with a group of other family members. Then Christmas morning we opened presents just the 3 of us at our house before heading back to Nana and Papa's house (BJ 's parents) for our second Christmas morning festivities. Unfortunately Papa had gotten really sick the night before so we changed plans mid morning and decided to head to Chelan to see Grandma and Grandpa Terry. There we had our third Christmas! I know Mom and Dad loved spending the day with us, well mainly Jackson, because they will not see us again until February.

Thanks to Santa (aka Mom and Dad) I'm writing this blog on my new iPad! It is definitely one of my favorite gifts this year. I had to steal it away from BJ... he's having way too much fun playing games on it. .:)

Our family on Christmas eve... in case you are wondering, Jackson is a monster!
BJ and I... we hardly ever get a picture of the two of us these days
Jackson and his cousins Haylee and Kyla (monster again)!
Christmas morning... Santa came :)
Getting the hang of opening gifts

 Playing with his new Buzz toy
 Drawing on his new easel (note the left hand)
 Jackson loves his new CAT dump truck
 Christmas breakfast = pancakes
 Opening gifts at Nana and Papa's house

 Passing out gifts at G & G Terry's house
 Opening more gifts - what a lucky kid
Aunt Stacey helping open his new Woody and Jesse dolls
The Terry clan with the gift I made Mom

Ok, I have to admit, I didn't finish this post on my iPad.  I found out I can't format using the BlogPress App so we'll see how the next post goes.  I'm going to try to do it just using my iPad if my type A can handle it. :)

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