Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Ten

The gal that has taken our family the pictures the past few years has a blog and she sometimes writes a Tuesday ten.  Meaning... she writes ten things that are currenlty going on with their lives/family.  I think it is a fun idea especially when there isn't one topic big enough to write about.  So, tonight I'm going to try it out.  Here is my first ten...

1. Yesterday, MLK Day = Dad and Jackson day.  I unfortunately didn't get the day off so I was stuck working. :(  It was hard to drag myself to work when my two favorite boys were hanging out at home.  My favorite part of the whole day was coming home and hearing about their day. BJ was so proud to tell me what he had fed Jackson which included PB&J and apples for lunch.  :)  Love them!
2. It was crazy warm here yesterday (56 degrees) and it felt great.  The sun was beaming and I could go outside without my coat.  It was very short lived though because today was back to being cold.  Well 40 degrees... somehow that felt like 10 after being so warm.  It's amazing how fast we adapt.
3. Jackson is still working on his two year molars. :(  I'm not sure if that was why he was so whiny tonight but man he was in a bad mood.  I was able to sneak a peak when I was brushing his teeth and his bottom two are in but no sign of the top ones.  Ahhh, teething is the worst.
4. I'm still in love with my iPad but my blogging app won't post pictures.  Grrrr.... I need to figure out why because it is so convenient and fast.  Sometimes I wish I were more technical.
5. The gym is currently kicking my butt.  One of my new year's resolutions was to get back in the gym... not to lose weight but to tone myself.  Well, when you haven't lifted for a couple years and then you start back up, it hurts.  I just now can walk normal after my Saturday morning workout.  At least I know I am working the right muscles. :)
6. Only 29 more days until Jackson and I are on a plane to Palm Desert to see my parents.! Yay... can't wait to see them and soak up some sun.  I just have to not think about the fact that I am traveling with Jackson by myself.  I don't want to have a nervous breakdown just yet.  At least, we are meeting up with my sister and her boyfriend in Seattle.
7. BJ and I have been playing Yatzee at night after Jackson goes to bed and it is tons of fun.  I know, a little nerdy but we have a blast.  We aren't big TV watchers (other than Grey's and sports) so it is a good alternative for us.
8. I've had a headache off and on today and it makes me thankful how great I feel most days.  I'm hoping a good nights rest will help.  It's been a busy week already and I'm feeling a little exhausted.
9. I was driving today (to get my hair done :) thanks Carlee) and I started thinking about how having Jackson has changed every facet of our lives.  And the best part is, I feel like all of it has been for the better.  I personally feel like he has made me a better person.  I just never imagined I could love a little human being so much.  I am extrememly thankful that we were able to have him.  I don't know what life would be like without him.
10.  Wow, I made it to ten.  Well kind of... I am out of things to write.  With that, I will leave you a picture of my favorite little guy. :)

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