Saturday, April 2, 2011

2.5 Years

Tuesday marked the day Jackson was two and a half years old.  Since he was a little under the weather, I decided that was probably not a good day to take some pictures (I just took this one).

And... I'm a little in denial that he has actually hit this mark.  The last two and a half years have been the fastest I've experience in my life and the richest.  Jackson, you have blessed our lives in so many ways and I am thankful everyday we were blessed with a happy, healthy son.  You make everyday a complete joy and we cannot imagine life without you.

Some of your current nicknames: Jacks, Jacksie Baby, Bubba Man, Monster Magoo or just Goozer, Digga Man 

Some thoughts about you at two and a half:

You love to throw EVERYTHING. This includes balls, figurines, the dog's toys, etc and you have a really good arm (right and left).

Claustrophobia is an issue for you.  I'm not sure where you get it from but you do not like enclosed spaces.  Elevators, stairwells and airplanes are unsettling to you and you tense up and cry when you enter them.

Everything is turned into a monster including you. :)  Every one of your toys has been a monster at some time and you frequently run around the house acting like a monster. Maybe it's from watching Monsters, Inc?

At eight months, you named your blanket ni-night and you are extremely attached. Ni-night goes in the car with us everyday to daycare, gets drug around the house at night and is your number one request.  I'm so thankful we bought extra ones. :)

Somehow your binkie is still holding on.  Mostly because I haven't wanted to deal with taking it away from you and because you only have it at nighttime (other than when you are sick - see picture above).  I know I need to deal with it soon.  You affectionately call it your "Bs" and it helps soothe you.  I am thankful you have never been a thumb sucker.

You love your daycare provider Deanne "Ne-ne" and you are excited to go to her house everyday (and you ask to go on the weekends).  This makes my life as a working Mom so much easier.  We are so blessed to have found Deanne - I couldn't ask for a better second family for you.

Currently, you have a very timid personality when it comes to new things or surroundings.  It takes a while for you to feel comfortable in new surroundings and I know you get this from me.  I'm wondering if you will grow out of it like I did... hope so.

There's no place you'd rather be than outside playing and this is why I can't wait for the weather to be nicer.  You are currently learning how to drive your fourwheeler. Which reminds me... I need to buy you a helmet. :)

Even though you are extremely busy, you still like to cuddle.  I cherish the times to want to sit on my lap or lay on the couch with me (and I know your Dad loves these times too).  I'm not looking forward to the day when you no longer want to snuggle.

Love you Jackson.  I remember the day you made me a Mom like it was yesterday.  I can't wait to watch you grow and see what you will become.

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