Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another First

And this one I'm not so excited about... I was just telling co-workers that Jackson had never thrown up. BIG mistake. I got a text from Deanne at 3:30 on Thursday saying Jackson had just thrown up his snack. He was still full of energy so we weren't sure what was going on. Well... he had diarrhea three times that night and ended up throwing up again at midnight all over himself. :( Poor thing. It was not a fun cleanup. Lots of laundry was done on Friday.

So now we can no longer say he hasn't thrown up. It was bound to happen sometime and actually, I'm surprised he lasted this long. I stayed home with him on Friday and we watched movies, played outside and mowed the yard (per Jackson's request). He didn't eat or drink much all day... just a couple crackers and a granola bar. I think we are on the mend though as he ate a full plate of pancakes Saturday morning and was FULL on energy the rest of the day.  It's amazing how fast kids bounce back.

Wearing Mom's running shoes 
 Notice they are backwards :)

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