Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I'm exhausted and while there are a million other things I should be doing right now (like cleaning, laundry, reconciling our back account, etc), I don't feel like it.  So blogging it is. I don't really have one subject to write about so I thought it would be a good time for a ten.

1. It's my sister's birthday and I don't even get to correspond with her. :(  I texted and sent her a little surprise via e-mail (from Nordys) :) but it's just not the same not talking with her.  She is on some sweet boat cruising around with no cell service.  Dang her... miss you seester!

2. We had a little belated b-day celebration for our first born.  She used to be the center of attention but obviously not anymore.  After all, it took me 10 days to realize we had forgotten her birthday.  Oops.  We made up for it though... pup cup with a bone on top!

Loving it!
3. Jackson's new thing is making sure you are watching every new trick he has up his sleeve.  I'm constantly hearing "Mama, watch this" and "look at me Mama."  In fact, every night, I get to watch him jump into his bean bag multiple times prior to bath and/or bed time.

4. For the second weekend in a row, we went somewhere with animals.  This time, it was the Douglas County Fair Saturday morning.  And the best part was that Jackson got to say goodbye to Sassy-Frass the sheep.  She was raised by Deanne's neighbor who is in FFA (so the kids visited all summer) and Jacksie thought it was great that we got to see Sassy-Frass one last time.  She is now someone's meal.  Yikes.

5. Our loan for our refinance closed yesterday.  So excited about our rate AND the fact that we are knocking nine years off our term.  Glad I finally got my act together and took advantage of the historical low rates.  Even though all the paperwork was a pain in the hiney.

6. Three day weekend coming up and we have no plans.  What to do, what to do?  Well we should do yard work since weeds are taking over our flower beds.  We'll see if that happens.

7. Since I've talked about birthdays twice, might as well mention that Jackson turns three in less than a month.  Boo.

8. We had some scorching hot heat last week and through the weekend.  It was in the 90s everyday and I have to admit, I loved the cooler weather we had today.  What did we do to beat the heat last weekend?  Jackson and Dad took a dip in cousin Mikey's pool Saturday evening.

9. I can tell BJ is craving fall... right now he is messing with his walkie-talkies.  Do you think he is excited for hunting season to roll around?  :)

10.  Well I was struggling to think of anything else to write.  So here's something... hug your loved ones and appreciate all you have.  I have a co-worker who is living a nightmare right now.  Her five year old son was diagnosed with leukemia in July and has had a heck of a time with the side effects of the various treatments.  My heart aches for her every time I read one of her updates and as she put it, no parent should ever have to go through this, let alone a five year old.  

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