First things first... Santa came! And since our tree was in a different room this year, Jackson could see Santa came from upstairs. LOTS of excitement.
Santa brought Jackson his very own Dyson vacuum. To say he loves it is a bit of an understatement. It's been going non-stop since that day.
Sis got a couple of new sippy cups in her stocking. :) So functional Santa!
The monkeys... oh how I love these two. Christmas jammie picture.
After we opened presents at home, we went down to Nana & Papa's to celebrate Christmas with them. I only have a couple pictures of Audri... Jackson was a little too crazy and would not stay still long enough for pics.
Then we came back up to our house to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa Terry who drove down to see us. Thanks again Mom and Dad for coming to us. It made our day so much easier!
Post nap time, we went down to Nana & Papa's again to eat Christmas dinner. And I always try to make sure we have at least one family pic every Christmas so here is this year's pic. It is going in the 2012 Christmas ornament I bought. Another year almost in the books! Bring on 2013!