As we near the end of February, I have to say it's been a long couple months. And the last couple weeks I've had a few minor freakouts (ok... a major one on Monday) about not being prepared to leave work. In fact, on Monday baby girl moved more than she ever has. By the time I made it home, I was angry and mostly at myself. It's one thing to let work and the stress impact me but on Monday it impacted her and I'm not ok with that. So after a relaxing evening and a long pep talk with myself, I've decided that from here on out, I'm going to focus on the good and not stress about all that has to be done.
So here are 10 things that are making me happy RIGHT NOW...
1. Our new hot water tank and the fact that I can take baths that are actually FULL of warm water. What a blessing it has been during this pregnancy not only to de-stress but also to let me muscles relax. I think it has really helped my back and pelvis that feels like it is spreading by the day.
2. Daily talk with Jackson about his baby sister. He brings her up every day and it makes me so happy to explain things to him. This morning he told me he wants baby sister to wear underwear like him. Uhhh... not so much. His daily belly kisses also make me melt and the fact that he tries to stick out his belly because of course he has a baby sister in his belly too.
3. This certificate... seriously I can't even explain how happy this is going to make my little guy. I have to say I have the world's best co-workers. They are so genuine and I couldn't ask for anything more.
4. My phone upgrade date THIS Saturday. I cannot wait to trade in my piece of crap phone!
5. The awesome weather we've had this winter. I can't remember another winter where we've had so many sunny days (granted as I write this it is currently snowing). But hey, who can complain... it has really been beautiful.
6. The relationship between my two favorite boys. Yesterday as I was cooking dinner, they started playing a board game. Listening to them interact and watching BJ teach Jackson made my heart happy. BJ is truely an amazing Dad.
7. Girl's dinner tomorrow night. No cooking, girl talk, McGlinn's... need I say more. :)
8. One week and counting with no accidents. I really didn't think Jackson would be fully potty trained by the time I had baby #2. He is doing so awesome and I'm so proud of him in his big boy underwear.
9. This pregnancy. Plain and simple... I feel blessed.
10. My recent online shopping spree. I scored Jackson some cute spring clothes on sale and ordered myself some new TOMS flats. I refuse to buy any more clothes until I'm back to regular size so shoes will have to do at this point!
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