So at one month, here are some things I want to remember about you, little Audri:
- Your body temperature is still cool. They say to dress your baby one layer more than what you are wearing. Well, you need two. You love being all cuddled up with a blanket even when it's 90 degrees outside.
- I think we are going to be shopping in the tall section together (don't worry, I have it all scoped out). You have a very long torso to go with some equally long legs. At your two week appointment, you had already grown an inch and I'm pretty sure you have grown another inch in the last two weeks.
- You blew threw your newborn clothes and are now in three months. And actually, your three month PJ's are barely long enough due to the reason I just stated above.
- I've put you on your tummy for some tummy time and twice you've rolled yourself over. I'm pretty sure you are not supposed to be that strong yet.
- So far, you've blessed me by being a great sleeper. The last week or so, you've been on an only wake up once a night schedule. Thank you... mommy really appreciates it.
- You like to play on your play mat and look at yourself in the mirror (see picture below). And you've found your voice so occasionally you'll squeal at yourself.
- Your big brother loves you so much and you definitely know his voice. As I was putting him to bed tonight, he ran back out to where you were and said "I love you baby sis." Nothing makes my heart happier.

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