Audri girl... it's so hard to believe you are already three months old. It seriously feels like just yesterday I was checking into the hospital so anxious to meet you. You are truly a miracle and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about how lucky I am to be your Mommy.
Unfortunately, this week marked the end of my maternity leave which meant I had to go back to work. I feel very fortunate that I have enough leave to go back part-time for a while because I had major stress about leaving you. Over the last couple of weeks, you've had major stranger anxiety and are very picky about who holds you (and you scream when you don't know who is holding you). I'm so happy to say though that you rocked your first week at Deanne's. You cried the first two days I dropped you off but other than that, were a happy girl that ate and slept well. Whew! It was a huge relief to me and I hope that it becomes smooth sailing as I ease back into work.
Not only do you have stranger anxiety, you are also a very sensitive baby. Your don't like loud noises as you startle very easily and I've noticed lately that it is heightened when you are tired. One loud noise can make you go from being happy and playing to crying very quickly - which isn't good when brother is always VERY loud. When you are in your element though you are generally a very happy baby.
Your latest obsession is your hands and you love to stare at them and eat them. You are also talking a lot especially right after you eat. Jackson loves talking to you during this time and always makes sure to point out when you smile at him. :)
Just like your brother, you don't like being on your tummy. In fact, I was trying to get a picture of you on your tummy today and you kept rolling to your back. I finally had to give up because I wasn't quick enough. I wonder if this means you'll be a late crawler just like him.
Your old man hair is still going strong and I'm wondering if you will grow some on top soon. It seems like you are starting to but I don't know if I'm just imagining it or if there is really more up there than before. And what you do have in back is starting to fall out. I changed your crib sheet yesterday and there was hair on it where you sleep.
Speaking of sleep, you are rockin in that department. Jackson spoiled me with sleeping through the night at eight weeks but you followed that right up at eleven. You were sleeping a solid twelve hours but this last heat spell has kind of broken that up since I can't swaddle you as well. Lately, you've been on a 7:30 to 5:30 streak but I can't complain because at 5:30, you usually take your binkie and sleep another hour at least. I'm SO grateful for this as it makes my life as a working Mom so much easier.
We are so thankful to have you in our lives baby girl. Sometimes it's hard to even comprehend how much joy you bring us.... we love you so much!
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