Can't believe our bubba man is four. I have to admit, this birthday was a hard one for me. I think it is mostly because I feel like we are going from having a toddler to having a little boy. It seems like Jacksie acts more grown up by the day... saying new things, having new expressions, etc. Underneath his crazy, rough shell, he has a heart of gold. I'm so proud of the caring, thoughtful young man he is becoming. He makes me thankful for every day I get to spend with him.
I decided to interview him this year and document his answers. As anticipated, it was hilarious. Here are his answers to my questions...
what is your name? Jackson Mitchell
how old are you? four of these (holding up his fingers)
what is your favorite color? red
who is your best friend? Grant
what is your favorite food? spaghetti (this one really made me laugh because he hates it)
what is your favorite drink? milk
what is your favorite toy? dump trucks
what is your favorite show? woody (toy story)
what is your favorite book? firemans (even fireman go to the potty)
what is your favorite song? halloween (huh?)
what is your favorite thing to do? read a book
what is your favorite snack? peanut butter and jelly
what do you like to take to bed with you? lizard, giraffe-e and walty
what makes you happy? giraffe-e
what do you want to be when you grow up? Jackson Mitchell :)
four year stats:
height - 41.5 inches (76%)
weight - 36.5 lbs (54%)
And BJ and I always suspected that he has good vision... heck he can spot a spider a mile away. Sure enough, he nailed the vision chart. 20/10 in each eye. Makes sense now!