Audri girl.... you are a great baby. So content just hanging out, playing with your toys, pulling off your socks or watching your brother. You love him more than I can describe and it makes my heart feel like it's going to burst. Two bottom teeth popped through this last month and the only symptoms you showed were pink cheeks and lots of drool. You laugh often and at pretty much anything, especially your crazy brother. The dog has become a focus for you lately and you'll watch her from across the room. You love it when we let you pet her... and we have to watch it because you'll pull her ears.
You are exploring the world of foods and so far you've tried mostly veggies. It's questionable whether you're actually swallowing the food but each time you eat you are getting better and better. When you sit on my lap, we have little game we play. You look back at me just to make sure I'm still there and of course it makes me smile which in turn makes you smile.
I love you to pieces Audri girl. Even though you've only been here six short months, I cannot imagine life without you, my sweet girl. You are everything I dreamed of when I longed for another child.
Six Month Stats:
Height - 27 inches (86%)
Weight - 16lbs 8oz (54%)
Head - 18.25 inches (100%+) basically creating it's own curve... so much so that the doctor remeasured it to make sure the nurse didn't screw up

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