Oh Audri... another month has flown by. I had every intention of writing this on your actual seven month birthday (since I had the day off and all) but then you and your brother decided to cut nap time short and well that was the end of that. Every day I try to figure out where time has gone... how my little baby has turned into a big baby. You continue to grow like a weed and I'm beginning to wonder just how tall you might be. I bought you 18 month PJs at Costco today... 18 month! Part of it is because I want them to last all winter and part of it is you are already pushing the length in your 12 month pairs. It's crazy...
You continue to be a joy to have as a part of our family. You are happy playing with your toys, hanging in your jumper or just watching what all is going on. Definitely more mellow than your brother ever was.
You've mastered sitting up although sometimes you still randomly throw yourself backwards. So I still put pillows all around you or make sure your sitting on our couch, a bed, etc.
Food has become a bigger deal to you and you pretty much love everything we've fed you (although sometimes you scream at me when I try to feed you prunes). I don't blame you sister. :)
You still have just two bottom front teeth but it seems like you've been dealing with more teething pain lately. This last week you struggled falling asleep three nights in a row. It is very unlike you to fuss at all at bedtime so we knew you were uncomfortable when you had to be rocked that many consecutive nights. I hope those darn teeth pop through soon.
We are getting a glimpse of more hair and I'm so happy that it might finally be growing (after all you were called a boy last weekend). It sticks up a little and therefore you have acquired the nickname peacock around our house.
The three of us so enjoy you and your sweet little personality baby girl. We love watching you laugh and play. You are really the perfect addition to our family.
And here is brother pouting because he was jealous that I was taking pictures of you. Yep... we are still dealing with jealously at seven months. Hope we can get past it soon.
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