Friday, September 23, 2011

End of Season Camping Trip

Last weekend we spent three days up at Alta Lake for an end of season camping trip.  Many of BJ's family members joined us and it made for a fun and relaxing time.  Well, other than the fact that night one Jackson came down with a nasty cold and we basically pulled an all nighter because he couldn't sleep.  Night two was minimally better and so by the time night three rolled around we were exhausted.  The next morning I woke up with a stuffy nose and by Sunday night I felt horrible.  And BJ was about a day behind me.  Let's just say we are still trying to recover.  And we are wondering if we are jinxed... this was the third camping trip in a row that Jackson has gotten really sick.  Let's hope we break the streak next year.

We had lots of fun activities to fill our time while we were up there.  Here are a few...

Board games
 Bean bag toss

Darts or rockets according to Jackson
 Dump trucks (which reminds me... I stilll have to clean this up so it can come back inside) :)

Ladder golf 
Smores (my favorite)

Overall, it was a great trip even if Jackson was sick.  Great times with great people!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


We feel so very blessed to be adding to our family in April 2012!

It has been a long road and we were a little unsure we would be able to have the family of four we always dreamed of.  So I feel more grateful than ever to be able to bring another child into this world.  This pregnancy has definitely been different than the first and it now makes me realize how lucky I was the first time.  This time I've been battling nausea and exhaustion which I didn't deal with at all with Jackson.  I'm now 10 weeks along and seem to be feeling a little better... well other than the horrible cold I'm battling.  Pregnancy = no medicine = feeling crappy.

My first belly picture at 6 weeks. Yeah those people that tell you that you grow faster with the second... they weren't lying.  I look like I did when I was 20 weeks with Jackson.  In my defense though, it was in the evening (when I always look bigger) and we had just eaten enchiladas. :) 

More to come later... I feel my bed calling my name.  I think my average bed time this week has been around 8:30pm.  We are a lively bunch.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 on 10 September

I don't have a lot of time to write, so this will be short and sweet.  For the second month, I'm posting a 10 on 10.  If you missed last month and want more details, you can view it here.  It was a lazy Saturday so these pictures are definitely a reflection of a our everyday lives (not that we are lazy everyday, just sometimes on the weekends). :)

good morning sunshine.dvd time.the never ending sweet boy.cousin time.fresh fruit.begging.go dawgs.sweet treat.summer flowers

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Choo Choo

Last Saturday, we finally made it down to ride the train at Riverfront Park in Wenatchee (big thanks to my Mom for letting us know it was running)!  We knew Jackson would love it as he spots trains miles away when we are driving.  It was a hot day but luckily we only had to wait one time to ride on the train.  I was actually quite surprised at how popular it was. Jackson had a blast so it was worth the sweat and cramming into a tiny seat. :)  

Waiting for our turn

 Ready to get going

 All done

On another note, Jackson started preschool today at Deanne's.  I was surprised to hear that he sat, listened AND followed all directions.  Pretty proud of my wild man...