Saturday, July 30, 2011

Scary Morning

Earlier this morning, BJ and I were busy working away trying to dismantle the treadmill so we could take it downstairs (we sold it to the same co-worker that bought our other gym set).  Jackson, of course, was "helping" with his plastic screwdriver and was playing around with other toys upstairs.  We were just about done with separating the top section of the treadmill and Jackson comes running in with his shoes on backwards (he put them on himself).  So as he is running, he trips, falls and his mouth goes right into the corner of the treadmill.  I gasped as BJ scooped him up.  He immediately started bleeding horribly so we rushed him into the bathroom.  He was screaming hysterically and it was hard to see where all the blood was coming from.  It was ALL over.  I was pretty freaked out because when I finally did look in his mouth I was convenienced that his front teeth had moved back (now that it is all over I don't think they did). 

I yelled at BJ to bring me my cell phone.  I knew I wanted to have his dentist look at them.  I was shaking as I dialed and of course, I got voicemail.  I left a message and we packed Jackson up to leave in the car.   Luckily, Dr. Dela Cruz called me as we were driving (we were going to go to the ER until I heard from them).  She was awesome and told us to come straight to the office.  All I have to say is Wenatchee Pediatric Dentistry rocks and I'm so thankful they are in this valley.  They took x-rays and looked all around in Jackson's mouth.  She was so great with him (as he was a little traumatized) and she was so thorough with us (which I definitely appreciate).  His mouth is pretty banged up (upper gums and lower lip).  So now we do a anti-bacterial rinse with him twice a day, soft foods for the week and we are to follow up in two weeks to see how his mouth looks (she is most concerned about infection in his soft tissue).  His front teeth look ok and they are going to watch them from now on.  I feel very fortunate for that... it could have been a lot worse.   

BJ and I both were so proud of how brave Jackson was... he didn't even cry when they took x-rays or looked in his mouth.  I think we scared him more than he was scared himself. 

The wound on his lower lip     

One of the rags we used - it is going in the garbage
Proof that he is going to be alright

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

G&G's House

Jackson had been bugging me for some time about wanting to go visit "Gamma & Gandpa" at their house.  So, I had planned to head up Sunday morning for a day of swimming and visiting.  Well, Saturday rolled around and Jackson was driving me nuts with non-stop "I wanna go see Gamma/Gandpa" so I gave them a call to see if we could come up a day early and stay the night.  Jackson was thrilled when I told him we could pack up and go!  They were nice enough to accommodate us a day early (thanks M&D) and it made it that much more fun for Jackson.  He had a blast visiting G&G and... we can't forget Rosie.  He loves her and talked about her the whole way home.  And of course he was spoiled with attention and fun activities (swimming, playing ball, ice cream, etc).  I'm sure it won't be long before he is bugging me to go visit again.

 Friday night... killing some time with Grandma while Grandpa grabs us a table at Local Myth Pizza!

Spoiled kid :)
Loving G&G's pool
And Rosie too
Jacksie & Mom 


Saturday, July 23, 2011


Early last week, we heard there was a restored WWII B-25 Mitchell Bomber on display at our local airport.  BJ and I thought it would be neat to take Jackson to check it out.  So Wednesday night after work, we headed up to the airport to take a look.  There were quite a few people there so it felt a little crowded but we managed to get up close to check it out.  Seeing things like this are amazing to me... to think that these were actually flown to help defend our country.  There were many older gentlemen viewing the plane and it made me wonder about all their old stories.  I'm sure some of them flew planes just like this one.

The front of the bomber... I can't imagine sitting there and pulling the trigger
 Jackson was wearing his cool spiderman shades :)

 I think Jackson was more enthused about a little plane that had just landed and was parking nearby
 The side of the plane

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Big Boy Bed

BJ and I worked so hard this last week/weekend to move things around to set up Jackson's new room with his big boy bed.  This consisted of tearing down our weight set that we sold (yay!), moving the treadmill, tearing down the queen size bed frame so we could move it, moving a dresser and finally, moving Jackson's twin bed frame from our room to his new room.  Oh and I almost forgot... we rushed to get curtains up in his new room since the blinds don't block any sunlight.  All of this and the little sucker would not stay in the darn bed.  So for tonight, he is sleeping in his crib.  :)  However, I do need to point out that he did take a two hour nap this afternoon in his big boy bed.  Baby steps I guess...

Once his new room is all set up I will take some pics but for now, here are some from the last couple days.

Hunter knows where to hang out :)
 Friday night at 5pm after a day of swimming at Deanne's (with NO nap)
 My big boy

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What a Mess

Oh the joys of living on tiered lots.  About a month ago, BJ came home to water gushing through our retaining wall and mud seeping through.  He cleaned it up and just as our grass was growing again, we woke up to this Sunday morning.

The night before, our neighbors irrigation filter busted resulting in gushing water and mud flooding into our yard again.  And since BJ played softball on Sunday and we had a birthday BBQ for his Aunt that night, we started cleanup last night.  I turned on the sprinkler hoping that Jackson would entertain himself so we could get to work.  Wrong-o!  He was right in the middle of everything stating he wanted to help.  And since we don't have a mini shovel, what's the next best thing?  A kitchen utensil. :)

He actually did provide help scooping up the loose dirt
Like father, like son... everything we did, he mimicked.  When I leaned my shovel up again the bricks, he evened leaned his spoon. :)  At times it was frustrating but at the end of the night we had a good laugh.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Some Skanger Love

In honor of the Skangers (don't ask about the name... it somehow was made up at deer camp one year) winning the league championship last night, I thought they could use a little love on the blog.  So to start off, here is a picture BJ sent me from one of the guy's phones. :)  

Division 1 Champs
Jackson and I were able to watch the first game of the night which happened to be very exciting - a one point victory in extra innings! But since it was already past 8pm when that game got over it was bedtime for Jacks. So we packed it up and headed for home.  They then went on to ten run the next team in five innings to win the league championship!

And since this post is about the Skangers, I thought it would be a good time to show some pics I took of the team during a recent tournament.

Playing some first base
Cousin Mike playing short
 Strategizing? :)
 Kev & Steve enjoying their beverages

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Tonight Jackson got his first owie that required a bandaid (well, I guess he's had bandaids after shots at the doctor's office but really, a bandaid is not needed). He was playing with the plastic lid from our food processor (I know, totally random) and somehow it cut his thumb.  All the sudden I saw blood and was thankful to find out it was just his thumb.  So I grabbed bandaids from my purse and wrapped it up (it took two)!  And all night long I heard... Mommy I have a BIG owie.  It even continued as we watched BJ's softball game. :)   

Check out the BIG owie
He wasn't sure about the bandaids at first

Monday, July 4, 2011


This past weekend BJ and I celebrated seven years.  We were lucky enough to get a night away thanks to Grandma Pat being willing to stay with Jackson (thanks again Grandma Pat!).  We had a blast shopping at Bellevue Square, had a nice dinner and we were even able to attend a wedding of a friend of mine from college who now shares an anniversary with us. :) 

I feel blessed to have shared so many years of my life with BJ and can't wait for many more.  Me and you forever babe!

Our awesome hotel room - love the Bellevue Hyatt
 And our beautiful view
 Pre-wedding :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Week In Pictures

We didn't have daycare until Wednesday of this week so Monday and Tuesday, Jackson got to spend some quality time with Daddy. :)  And since BJ had to attend a service on Monday, Jackson and I were able to hang out for a couple hours in the morning.  It was a nice (kind of muggy) day so we hit the toys at Walla Walla Park.  All of these pics are from my phone so the quality might not be that great.

 Climbing up to the slide 

 Loving the slide :)
Then on Wednesday night, Jackson came down with a horrible stomach bug.  He went from never throwing up to two episodes in one month.  :(  This one was WAY worse than the first as he threw up from 11pm to 4am.  Poor guy.  He ended up going to Deanne's on Friday and the following two pics are ones she sent me.  Basically, Jackson slept the whole day at her house.  We were lucky that he was the only one there that day. 
 He was so exhausted from all the throwing up
I am happy to report though that he is feeling much better today.  He slept all night but was up at 6am ready to eat. :)  So he picked out his cereal and was happy to eat it.
After breakfast and a bath for him/shower for me, we went to Nana & Papa's orchard where BJ is helping with harvest.  Jackson thought it was great fun to throw the apples.
Note the apple in hand
Trying to catch the apple