Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Week In Pictures

We didn't have daycare until Wednesday of this week so Monday and Tuesday, Jackson got to spend some quality time with Daddy. :)  And since BJ had to attend a service on Monday, Jackson and I were able to hang out for a couple hours in the morning.  It was a nice (kind of muggy) day so we hit the toys at Walla Walla Park.  All of these pics are from my phone so the quality might not be that great.

 Climbing up to the slide 

 Loving the slide :)
Then on Wednesday night, Jackson came down with a horrible stomach bug.  He went from never throwing up to two episodes in one month.  :(  This one was WAY worse than the first as he threw up from 11pm to 4am.  Poor guy.  He ended up going to Deanne's on Friday and the following two pics are ones she sent me.  Basically, Jackson slept the whole day at her house.  We were lucky that he was the only one there that day. 
 He was so exhausted from all the throwing up
I am happy to report though that he is feeling much better today.  He slept all night but was up at 6am ready to eat. :)  So he picked out his cereal and was happy to eat it.
After breakfast and a bath for him/shower for me, we went to Nana & Papa's orchard where BJ is helping with harvest.  Jackson thought it was great fun to throw the apples.
Note the apple in hand
Trying to catch the apple

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