Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday yesterday filled with lots of fun.  We woke up at 8am (yes, that is not a typo... Jackson actually slept in) and we showed him what the Easter bunny brought.  This year, the Easter bunny filled Jackson's basket with a Tonka garbage truck, sidewalk chalk, a CD, a light up bouncy ball and of course, some chocolate.

Jackson's favorite part was the garbage truck, which I could have guessed. He spent the first hour driving it around loving all the noise it made.

And since it was a holiday, I made Jackson a special breakfast.  Cinnamon rolls... his absolute favorite. :)
Later in the day, we headed over to BJ's parents house for a family potluck and Easter egg hunt.  It was a nice day so we were able to be outside!  We still didn't dye regular eggs this year (maybe next year) so plastic ones were used for the hunt.
Coming out of hiding to look for eggs

Checking out his eggs
And of course, we had to play ball while we were outside.  The picture below is Jackson hitting it out of BJ's hand but I started pitching to him and he actually hit the ball five times all by himself!!!!  One was even a line drive right back at me that I was lucky to catch. :)  I think he has his Dad's skills.
HAPPY EASTER everyone.  We hope you had a good one!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's Spring!

I knew it was finally spring when we ended up at Lowes last Friday night to pick up some fertilizer and a new pair of yard gloves (for some reason, I can never find the pair I used from the prior year).  While we were there, we saw these cute watering cans for kids that were Cars themed.  So we bought one for Jackson and now he is a BIG help outside watering the plants.  The plants got quite a big of water - thank goodness they are dry. :)

Trying to figure out how the watering can works
 Getting it down

 And no trip outside would be complete without some ball...
While we were outside, I noticed Jackson's eye was starting to leak. His left eye will tear up and run down his face occasionally.  We've asked the doctor about it before and she said it was fine.  I just always wonder if it is something he will grow out of or if it will always be leaky.  I was able to get a picture of it while we were outside.  If you look closely, there is a tear running down his left cheek.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Birthday Week

A little over two weeks ago, I decided that I was going to throw BJ a birthday week.  After all, it was going to be his 30th and that's a big deal, right?!  So I scrambled and came up with seven gifts so he could open a gift a day and I threw together a party for his birthday night.  Well Sunday morning rolled around and I was so excited to kick off his birthday week and give him gift one.  Then he came downstairs and told me the devastating news about Hagy.  I went back and forth all day on whether or not I should give him the gifts or if it just wouldn't be the same.  I decided later on that day that I would go forward with his birthday week gifts hoping that it would be a small ray of light during this week of darkness.  They ended up bringing a smile to BJ's face each day which made it worth it.  I knew it wouldn't be how I envisioned but life happens and sometimes you just have to roll with it.

Each gift had a tag like this
I also had to make a decision on if I should tell BJ about what I had planned the night of his birthday (Saturday night).  I originally wanted it to be a surprise but with everything that had gone on, I decided to ask him if he was still up for it.  He thought it would be fun so we went forward with pizza and bowling with family and friends.  Grandma Pat came down to babysit Jackson which allowed us a kid free evening.  :)  Everyone had a blast and it was just what we needed.  Now we just need to recover on sleep!

We started off BJ's birthday with some softball
Ribbons for Hagy
Aunt Angel & Nana
Getting some advice?  :)
 Pizza that evening
Getting his bowl on!
Oh Steve...

Some brother/sister love
Somehow we ended up with some balloons from the bowling alley and Jackson had a ball playing with them Sunday morning!

Monday, April 11, 2011

In Sadness

Sunday morning, we were reminded how quickly life can change.  BJ had gotten a phone call that his dear friend, Bryan Hageman had passed earlier that morning in a motorcycle accident.  It didn't seem real then and still doesn't seem real now.  Bryan was a great friend and teammate and will be dearly missed.  My heart aches when I think of his daughters and how they no longer have their Dad.

May you rest in peace Bryan.  You have left a hole in BJ's heart that will never be filled.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jackson Happenings

This last week was a busy one as usual, full of Jackson happenings. :)  On Tuesday, we visited Wenatchee Pediatric Dentistry for his first dentist appointment.  I know I was supposed to take him at a year but I just couldn't bring myself to it.  It was hard for me at two and a half but WPD made it go as smoothly as possible.  I had heard wonderful things about this relatively new practice in town and they lived up to all the hype.  They have a beautiful, VERY kid friendly office.  In fact, a little too kid friendly.  When they called Jackson back, he told them no, he was going to stay and play with the toys.  Luckily, the gal let him take two of the trains back with us and then I returned them to the waiting room when we left.   
 He quickly found this train table
 He could have played in the waiting room for hours
 Overall, Jackson did a fantastic job at his first dental visit.  And if they didn't have such cool toys he probably would have done even better!  He only cried a little when the dentist looked in his mouth and brushed his teeth.  It was impossible to get pictures of his actual exam (I would have needed two more arms) but I took this one afterwards.  Not the best but it had been a long day.
Then on Thursday, I bought him his own potty.  He has had one of the potty seats that you place on the toliet and he had a lot of interest in it about six months ago.  Well since then, nothing.  So we thought maybe we'd spark his interest and buy him his own potty.  So this is him trying out his new throne - no pee yet but hopefully someday soon!  Note: his old potty seat is on his new potty seat.
Finally Friday morning, I was finishing getting ready downstairs before we left for daycare/work and Jackson picked up a football and threw it.  All I heard was glass shattering and I turned around to find a glass knocked down into the sink and shattered into a million little pieces.  Let's just say it did not go over very well.  I was as mad as I have ever been at him.  But now I look at the pictures I took of him today (below) and think, how can I be mad at this cute little face?  He is lucky I love him so much. :)   

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I finally finished our 2010 family photo book!  Sure... I didn't get it done by the end of February like I originally hoped but what's a few more months?!  I'm just happy to have it done and it is amazing to see how much Jackson has changed in a year.

2.5 Years

Tuesday marked the day Jackson was two and a half years old.  Since he was a little under the weather, I decided that was probably not a good day to take some pictures (I just took this one).

And... I'm a little in denial that he has actually hit this mark.  The last two and a half years have been the fastest I've experience in my life and the richest.  Jackson, you have blessed our lives in so many ways and I am thankful everyday we were blessed with a happy, healthy son.  You make everyday a complete joy and we cannot imagine life without you.

Some of your current nicknames: Jacks, Jacksie Baby, Bubba Man, Monster Magoo or just Goozer, Digga Man 

Some thoughts about you at two and a half:

You love to throw EVERYTHING. This includes balls, figurines, the dog's toys, etc and you have a really good arm (right and left).

Claustrophobia is an issue for you.  I'm not sure where you get it from but you do not like enclosed spaces.  Elevators, stairwells and airplanes are unsettling to you and you tense up and cry when you enter them.

Everything is turned into a monster including you. :)  Every one of your toys has been a monster at some time and you frequently run around the house acting like a monster. Maybe it's from watching Monsters, Inc?

At eight months, you named your blanket ni-night and you are extremely attached. Ni-night goes in the car with us everyday to daycare, gets drug around the house at night and is your number one request.  I'm so thankful we bought extra ones. :)

Somehow your binkie is still holding on.  Mostly because I haven't wanted to deal with taking it away from you and because you only have it at nighttime (other than when you are sick - see picture above).  I know I need to deal with it soon.  You affectionately call it your "Bs" and it helps soothe you.  I am thankful you have never been a thumb sucker.

You love your daycare provider Deanne "Ne-ne" and you are excited to go to her house everyday (and you ask to go on the weekends).  This makes my life as a working Mom so much easier.  We are so blessed to have found Deanne - I couldn't ask for a better second family for you.

Currently, you have a very timid personality when it comes to new things or surroundings.  It takes a while for you to feel comfortable in new surroundings and I know you get this from me.  I'm wondering if you will grow out of it like I did... hope so.

There's no place you'd rather be than outside playing and this is why I can't wait for the weather to be nicer.  You are currently learning how to drive your fourwheeler. Which reminds me... I need to buy you a helmet. :)

Even though you are extremely busy, you still like to cuddle.  I cherish the times to want to sit on my lap or lay on the couch with me (and I know your Dad loves these times too).  I'm not looking forward to the day when you no longer want to snuggle.

Love you Jackson.  I remember the day you made me a Mom like it was yesterday.  I can't wait to watch you grow and see what you will become.