Monday, May 16, 2011

Pasco Softball Tournament

Wow, what a crazy weekend!  We packed up our trailer and headed to the Tri-Cities last Friday for a softball tournament in Pasco.  We knew rain was in the forecast but what we didn't know was the wind that was going to go along with it!  Saturday night around 6:30, Angel heard an emergency radio announcement saying to beware of a severe storm with winds up to 60 mph. Yikes!  At that time, BJ's team was done playing (thank goodness) and we were all hanging out on the grass watching one of the games. We could see some nasty looking clouds in the distance and we watched as they quickly came at us.  It was the fastest I've ever seen a storm move and it was creepy.  This picture says it all (compliments of Angel - yours turned out way better than the ones I took).

Other than the crazy storm which left lakes of water where we were camping, we also had some other interesting things happen.  Saturday morning Jackson was his normal happy self for about the first hour after waking up and then suddenly you could tell he didn't feel good.  By the time I took his temp, it was already at 102 degrees. :(  I was so bummed as he was having such a good time camping and I wanted him to be able to go watch the games.  Thank goodness for ibuprofen!  It took about 1/2 hour to kick in and he was good to go again.  We even made it to both of BJ's games and he sat attentively and cheered each batter (I've never seen a kid his age get into the games like he does).  It's fun to watch him - I have a feeling he is going to be quite the baller. :)
Saturday morning - pre fever

An hour later :(
A couple hours later we watched the first game
Post game back at camp (BJ looks thrilled) :)

In addition to the softball tournament, there was also a horse show in the pavilion next to our campsite.  There were over a hundred horses hanging out in the various parking lots which Jackson thought was great.  This was our view from where our tailer was parked.  Jackson was in heaven!

And this picture is of Steve flirting with one of the horse girls... "can my nephew pet your horse?"  Using my cute child as bait. Crazy Steve! Jackson wasn't so sure about actually petting the horse. :)

Even with everything that went on, it was still a fun weekend with LOTS of great memories.  I can't wait to go back to that park when Jackson feels better and the weather isn't so crazy!

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