Sunday, October 30, 2011

Prego Update

So it's been a while since I've posted a pic of the ol belly.  Life just seems to be crazy busy ALL the time and I only have one child at this point. Yikes!  Things are really going to get nuts come April.  Anyway, everything has been going well for the most part.  I seemed to kick morning (or all day) sickness at about thirteen weeks for which I feel blessed.  And I have to say overall, I can't complain too much as I had zero morning sickness with Jackson and this time around, I felt icky a lot but I never threw up.  I know so many who have thrown up often so thank you God for keeping my morning sickness manageable. 

Tomorrow marks sixteen weeks and another appointment.  I'm anxious as usual to see Stacy and hear the reassuring sound of that quick little heartbeat.  This pregnancy I seem to be more worried and uneasy about everything which I think is a result of the struggles we had getting to this point. And maybe it's because I'm already a Mom and I now know what is at stake.  I was kind of flying blind when I was prego with Jackson and even when I did have a few usual things happen, I didn't really think it was a big deal.  This time around, it is a different story.

Anyway... at some point, I want to document what it took to get here but not sure if I'm ready for it today.  I already cried just listening to a song on the radio so maybe I should wait for another day.  Right now, I'm just happy looking down at my growing belly and feeling the life inside me.  Thursday was the first day I felt vigorous movement instead of just fluttering.  I was quickly reminded of how cool it is to share my body with another human being.  Which was perfect timing since I had a rough morning that morning - I almost blacked out in the shower and was a reminder of how much I need to take care of myself and constanly eat when prego.  I've just been so tired that sometimes my bed sounds better than eating a late night snack.

I took a pic of myself at 12 weeks and then realized I was wearing the exact same outfit last week at 15 weeks so I decided to take another.  So here is the comparison... you can tell the shirt is getting a little stretched in the second pic.

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