Monday, November 28, 2011

A Not So Tradtional Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year... well, it was different.  BJ left for his hunting trip the Sunday prior, so I once again started my journey of single mommyhood.  And as with every year, Jackson got extremely sick (we just can't seem to break that tradition).  He started coming down with a horrible cough Tuesday night and by Wednesday night, we were paying a visit to the ER with croup.  I do have to say I didn't freak out as bad as I probably should have as this is the second time he's had it.  And he was SUCH a trooper at the ER.  He followed everything the doctor/nurses asked him to do and just hung out on the bed the two hours we were there.

Then Thanksgiving rolled around and BJ decided not to make the trip home. :(  I probably should have been more vocal about the impact this would have on me emotionally but when asked, I left it up to him.  He obviously doesn't see Thanksgiving as a special holiday like I do.  So Jackson and I still headed over to my mother-in-laws to eat (well we barely made it as Jackson napped late) and hung out for a little while.  It just wasn't the same without BJ home.  And Jackson felt so crappy all he wanted to do was go back home.  So needless to say, not the most memorable Thanksgiving that's for sure.

Since Thanksgiving day, Jackson has battled this darn virus hard.  Just when I thought he might be getting better, he woke up with a temp yesterday.  So I was at home with him today even though he has no temp and is back to his crazy self.  This mama is about ready to go stir crazy.  It's been a long six days at home by myself with a sick kid that on some nights, barely slept.  I'm READY for BJ to be home.

Some of our indoor activites...

Getting out ALL of our cars and lining them up
and coloring

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